Wednesday, December 21, 2011

BreathalEyes - Real talk from Rob

Thank you to everyone so far who has purchased, used, or told people about BreathalEyes! The word is spreading and we're starting to get more and more feedback. I felt it was an appropriate time to share some of my thoughts about BreathalEyes, why we created it and what it can and cannot do. As everyone is gearing up for the holiday season we hope you will continue to let people know about this new technology that we feel can help people make informed decisions when it comes to drinking alcohol.

Here also is the full unedited test comparing my results from a couple of weeks ago. As you can see I am clearly intoxicated, and BreathalEyes gave me a very solid reading in less time than it took to use the breathalyzer! 

So go forth, be merry, and have a safe and happy holidays!

1 comment:

  1. I have just watch the video. It's really awesome. I think people should go through the post. Thank you for sharing such a nice and helpful information..

    where to buy a Breathalyzer
